We can discuss your survey on the phone, get together in the office or meet on site and walk through the survey. Together we will find the best approach to survey your property.

The beginning of a good survey starts with the researching the deeds and surveys associated with the property. The information is collected, reviewed, sorted and analyzed before commencing work in the field.

The field information is collected with GPS technology. The data recorded by the GPS is stored and used to determine the positions of the proposed survey monuments. Each property corner is permanently marked with a 24-inch rebar and a red plastic cap attached to the top of the rebar bearing my name and license number.

You will receive a copy of the survey plat. The survey plat shows the surveyed property, the area, the description of the corners found and set, along with the measured and record distances between the surveyed corners. Each survey is signed, sealed and filed with the Nebraska State Survey Repository and County Courthouse.